Adding/Deleting and Editing Users

This dialog box allows you to add new users who are allowed access to the TLServer and the PLCs. You can also change the password,   username or the access level of an existing user or delete an existing user. A new user defined here will be given his/her own exclusive subdirectory to store ladder programs. For PCs,  this directory is located at:   "C\TRiLOGI\TL5\usr\<username>" where <username> is the same as the Username defined here.

"Select Username" - Double-clicking on an existing username opens up the username/password dialog.

If you select a username and then press the <DEL> key, you can delete the user provided its directory is empty. (You can use Window Explorer or TRiLOGI Application to delete the contents of the user's directory first before deleting him/her from TLServer).

"-Add New User -" Clicking on this field allows you to add new users to the system. You can add as many users as you like subject to memory and hard disk limit.

userconfig1.gif (5502 bytes)

Server Port: If you click the check box to the left of the "Server Port" label, you can change the default "port" that the TLServer listens on. Whatever you define here must be matched by the same port number when the client accesses the TLServer.

E.g. if the port number is defined as 8000, then localhost access must be:

However, if the port number is defined as 80 (default port for HTTP server), then you can access the server using just the IP address without the port number:

What Port Number Should TLServer Use?

Please read the explanation box below regarding definition of a "Port".  You can see that the default port for most public web-servers is port 80. You can define TLServer to listen at port 80 as well, in that case there is no need to specify the port number in the URL. However, there are reasons why you may or may not want to do that. It depends on whether you are installing TLServer on a corporate intranet or on the public internet and whether the client (TRiLOGI) is to access TLServer within the intranet environment or from the public internet. Please see TRiLOGI installation guide for an explanation of how to use the port number properly.

Ports  or addresses within a computer, are used to enable communication between programs. Port addresses are 16-bit addresses that are usually associated with a particular application protocol. An application server, such as a Web server or an FTP server, listens on a particular port for service requests, performs whatever service is requested of it, and returns information to the port used by the application program requesting the service.

Popular Internet application protocols are associated with well-known ports. The server programs that implement these protocols listen on these ports for service requests. The well-known ports for some common Internet application protocols are shown below:

Port Protocol
21 File transfer protocol
23 Telnet protocol
25 Simple mail transfer protocol
80 Hypertext transfer protocol